專長:雙語(英語)教練、異國戀關係升質(異國吸引力、釐清互動模式、重建理想關係、提升關係包容力)、跨文化工作、交友關係(跨文化的挑戰與溝通模式、自我價值觀、關係主動權)、海外生活經驗、留學、外派的生活重整(迎接孤獨感、善用獨立、整合新人生、建立理想生活)、移民定居的雙文化身份(文化認同、多元選擇權、生活圈建構、成長型思維)、Coaching Language - Mandarin and English、Upgrading your intercultural romantic relationship、Building supportive network in new life、Embracing the loneliness in new country、Your congruent value system and self-worth、Integrating growth mindset in value system
英國牛津布魯克斯大學 國際經濟法 碩士 深圳大學 法學士 Oxford Brookes University International Economic Law(LLM) ShenZhen University Bachelor in Law
Processwork UK - One Year Course/Jan Day Couple's workshop - Mirror of the Heart/ICF PCC 教練認證課程 - International Coaching Seminars/Psychosynthesis Trust - The Essentials Training/NVC Resolutions - NVC Foundation Training/Michael Dresser - Wheel of consent./Wheel of Life/Values system assessment/Pie of Time
溝通,幫助別人了解你,也讓你更了解自己。溝通不是話術,而是內在價值觀的外在完整展現。健康且自我認知清晰的溝通,幫助你吸引到適合的關係,改善正卡住的關係。 過去 20 多年的旅居生活,我經歷過文化、工作、戀愛、婚姻、生活、定居不同階段的衝擊,從中一次次打開被壓抑的自己。如拼圖般,每當拼回某部分的自己,溝通與關係也變得更清晰。清晰,人生方向的決定就擁有更多選擇權。 邀請你,一起在安全、開放的教練空間,與我分享跨文化經驗中的挑戰,創造心中的理想生活與關係。 我目前定居英國,預約時請再向小幫手確認時間。 Consciously practicing communication can not only help others to understand you, it offers you more chance of self reflect. Communication isn't just about strategy, it is a reflection of one's value system. Practicing clear communication is a healthy way of building a relationship that's working for you. The more actively you can communicate in the relationship, the better quality it will be. I invite you to share the challenges with me in this open and safe coaching space, where you will experience how equal partnership feels like. Let's be curious and welcoming more parts of you to co-create life.