專長:跨文化適應、英語諮詢、粵語諮詢、職場適應、大專生心理健康、外籍人 士心理健康、多元文化諮商、性別認同
Fu Jen University MSc Psychology (Counseling)
Swansea University MSc Management
Imperial College London BSc Biology
University Counselor/EAP counselor/3482地區台北同心扶輪社 社員/心田心理諮商所&華人心理治療 合作英語心理師
I have resided in many international cities including NYC, Hong Kong, Taipei, and London, and exercised my language skills with proficient English, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, and Hokkien dialect. After graduating from the world-famous Imperial College London, I decided to pursue a business-oriented career path by acquiring a master's in Management. After serving both sales
and marketing roles in the Vaccine and Pharmaceutical industries for 6 yrs, I decided to upgrade myself again by pursuing another master's in Psychology. I am now a certified counseling psychologist practicing at Taipei Medical University as a school counselor and privately online with the mission to promote mental health and cross-cultural counseling.
透過對自身生命之反思整理與紮實臨床訓練,融合客體關係、精神動力與 Satir(薩提爾)取向,陪伴個案探索早年生命如何影響或造就今天的你與你身邊重要他人的關係。