專長:人際關係議題(伴侶關係、分手失戀失落、爭吵、價值觀衝突溝通、復合、長期單身找不到對象)、原生家庭(父母議題、家庭關係、童年成長經驗、父母期望壓力、爭吵、價值觀衝突溝通)、自我探索與成長(自我認同、童年/求學陰影、低自尊/低價值感、生涯困擾)、多元文化(留學生、海外生活經驗、文化衝突、跨文化適應困擾)、成癮議題、英語諮詢、Emotion Regulation and Stress Management、Self-Esteem and Personal Growth、Interpersonal and relationship issues、Trauma Related Issues and Recovery、Adolescents: Behavioral Concerns, Career Exploration, …、Multicultural related concerns: Self-identity Exploration, Culture Conflict and Acculturation、Addiction
亞利桑那州立大學 諮商與諮商心理學系 心理諮商碩士 M.C. in Counseling and Counseling Psychology, Arizona State University 私立天主教輔仁大學 心理學系 學士
各社區心理諮商所 諮商心理師、治療師 Therapist/美國 Terros Health Health Center 心理治療師 Therapist/美國 Southwest Behavioral Health 實習心理治療師/羅吉斯生涯發展中心 輔導員 Counselor/完形工作坊研習/心理劇訓練團體/創傷聚焦認知行為治療訓練/人生設計卡專業執行師培訓
我相信人因著「自我的獨特性」而擁有自癒的生命力,創造真誠一致、尊重接納的環境,結合多元的心理治療技術,以體驗、具象化…等形式,陪伴來談者在探索自我的旅程中看見自己,從而找到「自我」的意義與價值。 I believe in people’s strengths, and competencies, which makes their own selfhealing vitality. Create a genuine, congruity, respect, acceptance environment combining with multiple therapeutic skills, art therapy and psychodrama for example, for clients to safely explore the meaning and values of “who I am.” Everything happens for a reason. Believe in yourself and prove that: You are worthy to live your life. Past, Present, and Future. 讓我們在相遇相知的旅途中, 真誠接納、挑戰自我、勇於看見改變的可能性。 專長 (Speciality): ․深度自我成長探索 ․人際關係相關議題 ․家庭經驗整合修復 ․成癮議題 ․多元文化相關議題 ․ Self-Esteem and Personal Growth ․ Emotional Difficulty and Stress Management ․ Interpersonal and relationship issues ․ Cross-cultural issues ․ Addiction 更多資訊,請見: 【IG】https://www.instagram.com/counselor_yiru/ 【FB】https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086965763027&sk=about_details